Introducing Voting Staked Tokens

Voting staked tokens (vsTKN) are an ERC4626 vault token representing either USDT or MEME locked for a period of X months in the CREDIT Vault. [X is TBD]

Lenders deposit and lock USDT into the CREDIT vault and receive an ERC4626 vsUSDTMEME token to represent their share of the pool which accrues compound interest from borrowers as well as 31% of the liquidation profit of that market!

Lenders deposit and lock MEME into the CREDIT vault and receive an ERC4626 vsMEMEUSDT token to represent their share of the pool which accrues compound interest from borrowers as well as 31% of the liquidation profit of that market!

The ERC4626 vsTKNs give locked lenders of that particular market governance rights over the parameters

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